Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Business (QCF) Unit 21: Human Resource Management QCF L4

Considering that you are recently appointed as the deputy to the human resource

manager, you have been given 4 assignment tasks (refer to next page) to be carried

out and present to the manager.

You will be, therefore, need to choose an organisation that you are familiar with,

preferably a UK listed company, and analyse the human resource management

strategy used by the organisation since 2010. You would need to examine how the

organisation has overcome a variety of challenges during the successful

implementation of their current human resource management Policy and strategy.

You are required to demonstrate that you have a good knowledge and understanding

of personnel and human resource functions that are needed to recruit and retain

capable and efficient staff and employees in an organisation. The course unit is also

aimed at helping with the learners’ ability to plan, organise, and implement a range of

approaches to improve the staff performance as well as the organisation in general.

The chosen company is eBay

4 task coursework assignment in

report format

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