Introduction to Project Management

With the following I hope I can appoint your team for the writing of an assignment in the subject area of Project Management.
The assignment case is based on a company and the resulting report will consist of four parts:

A management overview of how the project should be managed.
A financial plan, in a spreadsheet, taking into account discounted cash flows plus in text, an evaluation of the financial plan.
A project plan, created using Microsoft Project software, showing a network of tasks, the critical path, human resources required and expected completion times plus in text, your appraisal of the value of the software tool.
A briefing paper to the company’s management team on the key issues around managing organisational change.
Style of writing: suitable for managers in a business organization.

Citing appropriate academic sources throughout the report and provide a list of references.

For a well written report estimated word count 3000 to 3500 words plus diagrams, spreadsheet and project plan.

Submission form style: All 4 text sections should be submitted as a single document.

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