human resource development

Please refer to the case study described on pages 354-355. (Total 25 points)
Please answer the following questions.
• What dilemma does the consultant face? (5 points)

• What would you do in the same situation? (10 points) Do you agree with the author? Why or why not? (10 points)

Please refer to the case study described on page 356 at the top of the page (pro bono). (Total 25 points)
Please answer the following questions.
• What dilemma does the consultant face? (5 points)

• What would you do in the same situation? (10 points) Do you agree with the author? Why or why not? (10 points)


McLean, G.N. (2006). Organization development: Principles, Processes, Performance.
Berret-Kohler:San Francisco.
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