a remembered event

Task: Write an essay of 4-5 pages which recalls a remembered event in your life. Remember, according to Axelrod and

Cooper, “Focus on a single incident that occurred in a relatively short span of time is the hallmark of the remembered

event essay.” Be sure to zoom in on a particular instance and narrate this episode in detail rather than cover a larger

span of time from a more general or vague perspective. The paper should be in narrative format and incorporate some, if

not all, of the components of a “well told story” The paper should include at least 5 of the following elements:

· The use of dialogue (either direct, indirect, or reconstructed)
· Framing
· Vivid descriptive details
· A clear climax
· Building of suspense
· Purposeful introduction of characters and setting
· Narrative action which drives the story from start to finish
· Purposeful inclusion and omission of facts and details
· An indication of the event’s significance (*All essays must include this*)
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