Research program Evalution

Text book: Research Design in Counseling, 3rd Ed
Heppner, Wampold, & Kivlighan. (2008).

Write one page of each article a summary. Two project. So two pages.

Quantitive research

Please post your research article summary here.
1pg, single-spaced
12 pt font
Discuss research problem/questions/hypothesis
Discuss population and sample
Discuss research design/methodology
Discuss outcome
Include reference at bottom of pg. in APA format.

Qualititive research
Please post your research article summary here.
1pg, single-spaced
12 pt font
Discuss research problem/questions/hypothesis
Discuss population and sample
Discuss research design/methodology
Discuss outcome
Include reference at bottom of pg. in APA format.

1.Articles are: Qualitative: Using Qualitative methods within a Mixed-methods approach to developing and evaluating

intervention to address harmful alcohol use among young people.
2. Quantitive: How substance abuse recovery skills , readiness to change and symptom reduction impact change process in

wilderness therapy participants

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