Seven Steps of Personal Selling

Scenario: You are the lead sales representative at your place of employment, and you currently have an opportunity to

present your product or service to a prospect that you have been targeting for many months. Based on the seven steps of

personal selling, create a
PowerPoint presentation that does/answers the following:

1.Develop and present an overall sales strategy for this opportunity.
2. Develop a presentation for this opportunity.
3. Discuss what objections you might encounter and how you will counter those objections.
4. Describe the buying signals you may encounter and which technique(s) you would employ to close the business.
5. What, if any, follow up will be needed in order to “post close” and maintain your new customer?
7 Steps to Personal Selling Process are:
Prospecting and qualifying
Planning the sales call (preapproach)
Approaching the prospect
Making the sales prospect
Negotiating sales resistance or buyer objections
Confirming and closing the sales
Following up and servicing the account
Course textbook used: Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E, Mehta, R., & Babin, B. J. (2009). Sales management: Building customer

relationships and
partnerships. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

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