
Read through all of the instructions before starting.
Insert the following table into Sheet1 of an Excel spreadsheet, keeping the cell references consistent with the image

below. Save the spreadsheet as yourName_P2a. When you are finished, submit the assignment via Blackboard Assignments.
Part I: Calculations

1. In the Totals ROW:
• Calculate the total number of accidents that occurred during weekdays. (Column B)
• Calculate the total number of accidents that occurred during weekends. (Column D)

2. In cells C5:C12 –
• Calculate the percent of all weekday accidents that occurred during each of the given times of day.
• Include the total in the TOTALS row

3. In cells E5:E12 –
• Calculate the percent of all weekend accidents that occurred during each of the given times of day.
• Include the total in the TOTALS row

4. In cells F5:F12 –
• Calculate the total number of accidents that occurred
• Include the total in the TOTALS row

5. In cells G5:G12 -.
• Calculate the percent of all accidents that occurred during each of the given times of day.
• Include the total in the TOTALS row

6. Format cell ranges C5:C13, E5:E13 and G5:G13
• So that the percentage sign and only one decimal place is shown.

7. Create a 3-D Column Chart for the percent of all accidents by the time of day
• You will be charting the Time of Day and the TOTAL percentage for each time of day (column A and column G).
• Change the color of your columns to ORANGE
• Place the Chart underneath the table at cell A15


8. Place your name, date, Course ID in row 31 underneath the chart

9. Continue to Part II: Formatting the Table

Part II: Formatting the Table

1. Center the Title across cells A1 and G1
• Place a Dark Border around this cell

2. Center the subtitle across cells A2 and G2
• Place a Dark Border around this cell

3. Merge and Center the following:
• Cells B3 and C3
• Cells D3 and E3
• Cells F3 and G3

4. Place a Dark Border around the following cells and cell ranges
• Cell A3
• Cell A4
• Cell B3
• Cell D3
• Cell F3
• Cells B4:C4
• Cells D4:E4
• Cells F4:G4
• Cells A5:A12
• Cells B5:C12
• Cells D5:E12
• Cells F5:G12

5. Place a double underline border under cells A13:G13

6. Change the Worksheet Name to Car Accidents

7. Color the TAB red

8. Complete the Page Properties with your name, Course and KeyWords

9. Save your work and Submit it.

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