Consumer Privacy: Regulations and Ethics

Today, Americans feel more protective of their privacy than they did just a few decades ago, according to two surveys on privacy issues conduct by

Pew Research. These surveys indicate continued high levels of concern over the way businesses obtain, use, and disperse consumer information. With

the ability to intrude upon consumer privacy online, regulation, ethics, and consumer privacy are important marketing considerations.

Conduct research on regulation, ethics, consumer privacy, and online marketing. The specific perspective you research can be of analytics, child

protection, data mining, or other online ethical issues. Then, write a scholarly paper that discusses regulation, ethics, consumer privacy, and

online marketing from the research you conducted. The paper must also offer recommendations concerning how organizations may address these issues.

Provide specific examples to support your thoughts.

Support your paper with a minimum of 5 scholarly resources, at least three of which must be published in the last five years. In addition to these

specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included. Paper must be minimum of 5 pages double-


You don’t have to use these but they may help.
Desai, M., Lodge, D., Gates, M., Wolvin, M., & Louer, G. (2012, Summer). The FTC privacy report: What the report means and how you can get ahead of

enforcement trends by implementing best practices now.

Lee, D., Ahn, J., & Bang, Y. (2011, June). Managing consumer privacy concerns in personalization: A strategic analysis of privacy protection.

Pratt, J. H., & Conger, S. (2009, January-March). Without permission: Privacy on the line.

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