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WIIMIII – Praise! 3: niscinlinarv literacy Research Paner
The previous assignments gave you opportunities to identify themes and terms for
analysis so that you could begin to understand and practice meeting the expectations
for writing in a higher education environment. This assignment allows you to continue
engaging in effective rhetorical decision-making and writing practices. It also introduces
you to the ways in that research and academic discussions prepare you for writing
situations in which you’ll find yourself during college and beyond.
Many students come to college with only a vague idea of what it means to be a
participating member of an academic discipline. Your purpose in this essay is to give
students who are new to the academic discipline/field you have chosen an introduction
to the expectations for writing, reading, and researching in that discipline. Ultimately,
your paper should help your target audience understand the ways that literacies (both
technological and rhetorical) are used to create and communicate knowledge in your
specific disciplinary/academic context.
Different academic disciplines have different ways of presenting and analyzing
information, different ways of building knowledge, and different ways of presenting
knowledge in written forms. This paper gives you the opportunity to begin building your
own understanding of how writing, reading, and researching operate within a discipline
of interest to you. You may choose any academic discipline you wish to examine for this
project. Whatever you choose, you must engage in the following activities:
Analyze at least three scholarly articles from within the discipline
Analyze at least one article from a trade/professional publication related to the
Analyze at least one news or news magazine article that relates to the discipline
in some way.
If you are undecided, think about a discipline that might interest you. Ultimately, the
choice is yours, but don’t hesitate to email me or to set up an appointment if you need
Yfllll‘ naner SIIOIIIII:
Be 5-7 pages, double-spaced
Include a Reflection Memo describing your processes and experiences in writing
the paper at the end of the final draft.
Use MLA citation and formatting, including an MLA Works Cited page.
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