Chapter 6 – Assignment 2

**USE Only Book ISBN – 9780078026720 Title: Sociology A Brief Introduction 10th edition Authors: Schaefer, Richard T


READ Chapter 6

Chapter 6 – Assignment 2

Be sure to include any questions number in you answer. Look at how the questions is asked and answer it the same way.
15 Points

Part 1
Click this link to download the reading
Theories of Mass Media
1. Summarize what you find in this reading.
2. Anything surprise you?
Part 2
Click on each of these links to download each page:
Five Media Giants
Methods of Media
The Media Complex
3. Explain what you find on each page, and why it may be important.

Part 3
Click on this link to download the reading:
Media Issues
4. Explain the Herman and Chomsky propaganda model of media including the ‘five reasons’ listed.
5. Explain what ‘media framing’ refers to and how it impacts presentation.
6. Discuss why corporate media concentration is happening.
7. What are your reactions to what’s occuring?

Part 4
Read pages 144 & 145 in your text book.
8. What are the issues that are identified on these pages?
9. Why are they important?
Using Google as a search engine search for media conglomerates, pediatrics effects of media on children and violence in media

effects of children
10. See what you can find.
11. Cite the sources you visit and summarize what you find at each site.

Part 5
Advertising Media affects people in different areas–gender, food and diet, violence, consumption(what to buy), race and

Find one ad that demonstrates the effect of advertising. Scan and attach the ad. Identify which of the seven areas you are


using. Answer these questions:
12. What is the ad selling?
13. What is the manifest function of the ad?
14. What is the latent function of the ad?
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