Chapter 6 – Assignment 3

**USE Only Book ISBN – 9780078026720 Title: Sociology A Brief Introduction 10th edition Authors: Schaefer, Richard T


READ Chapter 6

Be sure to include any questions number in you answer. Look at how the questions is asked and answer it the same way.
4 Points
Submit your answers to these questions to the appropriate Discussion area and respond to 2 of your classmates. You will have

had to do Assignment 2 in order to do this assignment.
Critics often charge that television’s portrayal of violent and sexual themes powerfully affects its viewers, especially

1. How much of a role do you think TV plays in the socialization process?
2. What messages do you think children get?
3. What might be some mediating factors between the violence on television and children’s aggression?
4. Do you think that the way a parent reacts to the violence has more influence on the child than the actual act

displayed on the screen?
5. Who should monitor children’s television: parents, broadcasters, advertisers, government?

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