film synthesis eassay

Here is the link of the movie
or it,s call girl interrupted

Essay (AMS). this essay w ill ask you to utilize the skills

que and the C ompare/C ontrast Essays in order to hone your
synthesis and problematization
As a class. we will watch the movie Girl. Interrupted and attempt to analyze it based on its structure.
themes. and connections to other articles you will find during research. This research might include looking
on our databases. such as ProQuest. or you might find relevant articles in our textbook. In either case. the
most important thing to remember before drafting is to brainstorm a thesis be fore you start researching so
your ideas remain at the forefront. Your chosen sources will serve as evidence to back up your claims.
Another major theme of this paper, which will run throughout the AMS as welL is problematization. i.e.. to
View something as a problem in a manner in which others might not. Keep this in the back of your mind
while brainstomting for a thesis. because. whatever you choose, your main points should wrap back to this
original thought and attempt to complicate the issue further. Complicating your thesis is a good thing. and it
creates a complex. compelling argument.
You will need to include in-text citations and a Works Cited page. bringing together the film and three
academic sources.


Practice problematizing an issue mmg em With your own Ideas
3 LZFFrgjematize means to make a problem out of something, usually something
pie might not View as a problem
Preparing for the AMS
1. Pick a theme from the movie that you would like to explore further, preferably one that
could be viewed as a problem
2. Find the complexities in your argument. Don’t just settle for a surface-level evaluation of
the problem.
3. Why is it a problem?
b. Who is involved?
c. What are the consequences if it is not solved?
d. Why should it be addressed?
3. Create an arguable, problematized thesis. Be sure to do this before you begin
a. Example:
The social stigmas of mental illness, like the ones showcased in Girl. Interrupted,
are numerous and plague many; if allowed to continue, these negative attitudes
could halt the treatment and improvement of individuals who suffer from mental

READ ALSO :   the movie reflection

i. Arggame: Some might argue that there are no social stigmas surrounding
mental illness and that there is no problem here; therefore, this thesis is

ii. Wed: The latter portion of this sentence shows the
consequences of stigmatizing mental illness, i.e., that mentally ill people
might not seek treatment. This is problematized, but keep in mind that the
work is not done. The problematization needs to continue through each
body paragraph and among sources.

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