Analysis of Newspaper Research Report Results Paper

Prepare a 825 word paper in which you interpret the statistical significance of a study.
Select a study in a field of interest; this does not need to be directly related to health care.

-(1 Reference and 1 Citation for number 4), 3 References, 3 Citations in total
-825 words
-Introduction Required
-Conclusion Required
-Format APA

• Introduction
• What statistical procedures are mentioned in the study?
• What conclusions did the study reach? Are the conclusions appropriate? Why or why not?
• Are the findings statistically significant? Why or why not? Describe the process you used to make this determination and provide the level of significance.
• Conclusion

Content 16 points possible
1. Introduction 4 points
2. What statistical procedures are mentioned in the study? 4 points
3. What conclusions did the study reach? Are the conclusions appropriate? Why or why not? 4 points
4. Are the findings statistically significant? Why or why not? Describe the process you used to make this determination and provide the level of significance. (1 Reference, 1 Citation for Analysis) 4points
5. Conclusion 4points

Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation

Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow

Follows APA guidelines for formatting and 3 citation of outside works
Total 20

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