

From the book Toward a Socially Responsible Psychology for a Global Era by Mustakova-Poussardt, E., Lyubanksy, M., Basseches, M., Oxenberg, J. (2013) and Kuhn, T. (1970) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Chapters 3 and 4 focus on psychology research practices and psychology clinical practices (including clinical training practices) respectively in trying to envision how a socially responsible psychology for a global era might be different from the status quo. Although these chapters do focus on the level of practices, the practices are described in somewhat abstract terms, with citations referring to exemplars of such practices. After reading Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, first try to summarize and explain for each chapter what became clearest to you about what makes the envisioned practices different from the status quo. Second, do you agree with Kuhn that for a paradigm to attract participants, it must provide at least one example of what a piece of work within that paradigm would look like? If so, to what extent do you feel that either chapter provided “paradigm examples” which you imagine could attract participants in general. If not, explain how your view of how a scientific research/practice community works is different from Kuhn’s. Is there anything that attracted you to the possibility of working within the new paradigm, either as a researcher or practitioner?
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