Do you agree or disagree with the following? Why or why not?

Do you agree or disagree with the following? Why or why not?
Post 1
1) What is the importance of having a reasonably accurate demographic analysis of pre-Colombian populations?

Pre – Colombian is the period before Christopher Columbus made his voyage to American an any other influences of European or African culture. Thus the demographics were different there were no influences from other cultures. The populations where larger in the pre Colombian than post due to the fact nearly 100 million were killed post Colombian era.

Post 2
The Origin of American Indians in North America
There are many theories of how American Indians came to be in North America. Scientist, archaeologist, historians, and American Indians all have what they believe to be the answer to the question but none can actually specify how they came to be in North America with 100 percent certainty. There is still debate on how and when they first and how they appeared on land but all have a strong opinion, data or belief. Below you will read two of the main theories of how the American Indians came to be in North America, the first will be the "Land Base" theory and the second will be that of the Trans-Oceanic Migration and last I will inform you of the American Indians belief of always having been here.
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