few agencies that help the President and Congress

few agencies that help the President and Congress

Selected Question

Do you agree or disagree with the following? Why or why not?
Post 1
There are a few agencies that help the President and Congress with the economy and assist in developing economic policies or giving the president advice on how to implement economic policies. According to USA.gov, ?the Department of the Treasury is responsible for economic, financial, tax, and fiscal policies, and also manufactures coins and currency? (USA.gov). This department consists of The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Bureau of Engraving & Printing, Bureau of The Public Debt, Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Financial Management Service, Internal Revenue Service, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Office of Thrift Supervision, and the U.S. Mint.
The official White House website states ?The Council of Economic Advisers, an agency within the Executive Office of the President, is charged with offering the President objective economic advice on the formulation of both domestic and international economic policy? (WhiteHouse.gov). This council is appointed by the president and approved by the senate. It is one of the most important because they directly advise the President on economic matters and give him reports on how the economy is doing.
Also, according to the White House website the Office of Management and Budget also helps with advising the president on how to implement Policies concerning economic issues (WhiteHouse.gov). If there is an economic recovery plan this agency will help the president on how to implement it. This topic of economic policy was a big one in the last presidential election. The Economy is vital to the success of the United States and this is why there are so many people helping the president and congress implement economics policies with the intent of helping the United States.
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Post 2
When you look in to all the agencies and the departments, you can see that there is a lot that goes into all of this. Looking at it all the agencies are very important to work together to better the whole. Since the Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy reports directly to the Secretary of the Treasury to help review and analyze domestic and international economic issues in the financial markets, the Department of Treasury is pretty important. For the most part all of these departments need to exist because in turn they are managing a section to either help protect like the Department of Homeland Security, or to ensure the safety of food like the Department of Agric ulture.

The Department of Education, making sure kids are educated properly and can learn with the pace our country is growing. All the cabinet and departments have so many other branches they are responsible for, but it is all to watch over and protect and help grow and develop our country with the way the world is changing. Some might say it isn?t always for the good with these changes, but we have to at least stay competitive with the word, or we will be overrun and destroyed. Department of Transportation making sure the roads is are good as well as the seaways regulations and keeping flying safe. All in all the departments are umbrellas for all the different agencies, but like a chain of command they all report up to the departments who will then report to the President so that the decisions can be made to better what is going on or to just inform.
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