summary and critique on article on community acquired pneumonia

summary and critique on article on community acquired pneumonia

The rubrics
1. Choose an article published in a referred journal.
2. The article must be on a topic that was covered in lecture or observed in the clinical setting.
3. A research article is preferred.
4. The article must have been published within the last five years.
5. Read the article critically and summarize the major points.
6. Submit the written presentation to instructor using APA format.

The assignment will be graded using the following criteria
1. Choice of article 20%
a. Current and chosen from a referred journal.
b. Relevant topic
2. Written format 50%
a. APA used in summary
b. Correct Grammar
c. Evidence of critical analysis
3. Oral Presentation 30%
a. Use of Appropriate language/terminology
b. Pace of presentation
C .Body Language
d. Ability to engage the audience

Student Name________________ Grade________

1. Choice of article. Article has to be within the last 5 years 10 points
2. Introduction 10 points
3. Pace of presentation 20 points
4. Body Language 10 points
5. Overall Presentation (Grammar and terminology) 40 points
6. Ability to engage the audience 10 points
7. Total

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