Justice is Not the rule of the strongest

Justice is Not the rule of the strongest

write 5 pages essay about Justice is Not the rule of the strongest… some examples… some leaders… some not strongest. why it’s power? why not? and find 2 example and discus it with analysis. the references must be from: Plato, Republic Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics Boylan, Critical Inquiry.you have to follow the format in ( critical inquiry book ch 7,8,9).which is pro- cons essay. However, you have to structured it properly. Look to Chapter 9 of Critical Inquiry on the pro essay. Make sure that you follow that form exactly: intro (as set out there), objection to premise 1, reply to objection to premise 1, objection to premise 2, reply to objection to premise 2, theoretical observation and significance. the references for this order must be from these books: 1-plato republic,translated from the new standard greek text, with introduction. by C. D. C. Reeve. 2- NICOMACHEAN ETHICS, ARISTOTLE, translated with introduction and notes, by Martin Ostwald. 3- critical inquiry book which you have to follow the format from.

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