Activity 9 Electoral Dynamics Discussion Activity

Activity 9 Electoral Dynamics Discussion Activity
Threaded Discussion: 5 Points
Please scan various news sources and look for articles (6 months old to present) on electoral dynamics. Once you have found a substantial story on the issue, please respond to the questions below:
• Summarize your take on the issue.
• How does it relate to the Unit 5 concepts?
• Develop a question that you will post on the threaded discussion that either extends the discussion or queries others for another perspective on the debate about the topic. Once you have submitted the posting, please respond to at least two other comments or questions that fellow students have placed on the thread.

Activity 11 Congress and the Presidency Discussion Activity

Threaded Discussion: 5 Points
Please scan various news sources and look for articles (6 months old to present) on Congress and the presidency. Once you have found a substantial story on the issue, please respond to the questions below:
• Summarize your take on the issue.
• How does it relate to the Unit 6 concepts?
• Develop a question that you will post on the threaded discussion that either extends the discussion or queries others for another perspective on the debate about the topic. Once you have submitted the posting, please respond to at least two other comments or questions that fellow students have placed on the thread

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