Employment Relations

Employment Relations

-Please use a fictitious person.

Find a person who works full time in a company, business or private or public agency which employees at least 10 people. Interview the chosen person and gather the information listed below.

Ask that person to explain to you:
How did their company orient them? Was there a clear new hire orientation? What did it entail?

Have the person tell you what they are taught, at their workplace, about OSHA, National Security, Privacy Issues and Discrimination and any other issues you choose. Ask specific questions regarding the items to help you be able to understand what information they learned.
Be sure to ask the person whether or not they have utilized the training. Finally, ask whether or not they felt well trained enough, at the time, to handle situations that arose (or may arise) related to any of the aforementioned areas.

The last part of your interview requires you to give the person a fictional scenario where he will be involved in a work based issue regarding OSHA, National Security, Privacy Issues or Discrimination or any other issue you choose. . Find out what he or she would do in this situation and why. Make the scenario, for your interviewee, a difficult one.
As you conclude your interview paper, be sure to state your opinion of whether this person in particular and our society as a whole is training employees well regarding Employee Relations.

You should be sure to include an explanation of why you chose to interview this particular person. Also, of course you are encouraged to ask any additional questions you may have in order to have a SOLID INTERVIEW as your final product.

READ ALSO :   History

You’ll turn in a written summary of the results of your interview by the date listed above. You are expected to turn in a well-written, informative and interesting document. This is your midterm exam.

This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade. DO NOT TAKE THIS LIGHTLY. There is no page limit or requirement. Helpful Hint…access a few different magazines and newspapers and take a look at how various interviews are written up.

RESTRICTIONS: You may NOT interview a relative.
QUESTIONS: If you have any questions about this assignment, message me.

Good luck and enjoy this assignment, it is something a little bit different!

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