This problem must have the capacity to be viewed as a “private trouble” (problem stemming from individual/interpersonal factors) and as a “public issue” (problem stemming from the environment or social structure).
See Mills.
Organize your paper according to the following headings and format:
1. Statement of the problem under consideration. Provide a brief introduction to the problem and discuss its significance (why it is important).

2. Micro – Discuss the assumptions, values, arguments, evidence, causes, reasons, etc. utilized to explain the existence (causality) of problem from the micro (genetic, biological, individual, and family) point of view.

3. Macro – Discuss the assumptions, values, arguments, evidence, causes, reasons, etc. utilized to explain the existence (causality) of the problem from the macro (community, societal, policy) point of view.

4. Critical analysis – In your opinion, do micro or macro level factors play a greater or equal role in the development of the social problem. The moral and ethical dilemmas , the impact on personal and social identity should be included in this sections.

All References cited.

Self And Society Reader 3 references
6 secondary sources (varied-journal periodicals, newspaper accounts, interviews, critical analyses, etc.)
**In the link below is a paper i did on "Drug Abuse" that might be helpful**


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