

The following explains the structure and content of the document to be produced for this assignment. It is intended that the assignment be convergent with the needs of students from the perspective of people, culture, and organisation. In this way the exercise may be relevant and useful to students.

Select a current or recent people problem/issue related to a project at work. See Section: Other information for students, with respect to confidentiality, security and anonymity. The problem can be associated with a team, group, individual(s) or any situation involving people.

Start by defining the problem/issue. It may be helpful to use diagrams to illustrate organizational and other aspects as necessary. Ensure that all the determinants of the problem and all the players are adequately defined. The definition may extend beyond the boundary of one organisation to include members of its supply chain (consultants/contractors/suppliers)

Once the problem is defined, analyse the problem using appropriate theoretical models, constructs and perspectives. Again, use diagrams where they are helpful. Make sure that all criteria and assumptions are carefully explained.

From your analysis develop one or more solutions and/or courses of action. It should be made clear who the beneficiaries of the actions and solutions proposed are.
Other information for students
It is recognized that the data for this exercise are to be drawn from a real situation. In order to preserve the anonymity of people, included in your chosen case study, the following should be observed:
• Do not use real names.
• Ensure that your name and your company name do not appear on the actual submission.

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Assessment Criteria
The assessment criteria are those outlined in the student handbook.

You should submit a soft copy to turnitin as advised by the tutor.

The submission should contain the following sections:

I Definition of problem
This section should clearly define the people problem including the context and relevant variables.

II Analysis of the problem
This section should explain the method(s) used to analyse the problem and the formulation of the “problem”. The determinants of the problem and casual relationships should be identified and explained.

III Statement of alternative solutions and/or courses of action
This section should outline one or more solutions to the problem and/or proposed courses of action. It is important to identify the actors or players of the situation being addressed. It is also important to discuss different perspectives on the problem from the position of the different players and actors. The criteria for a successful solution may vary depending on the different positions of the actors/players.
A one page executive summary, full bibliography and reference list should be included. Referencing should follow the Harvard style.

The size of this document (excluding any appendixes, references and bibliography) should be approximately 2000 words.

Note: kindly note that am a civil engineer, and working in an engineering organisation as a project engineer, so I want the problem related to the engineering company.

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