summary of the course content of the first 2 weeks

summary of the course content of the first 2 weeks

Write a summary of the course content of the first two (2) weeks. This can be written in the form of a report summarizing the content of the lecture topics and making reference to areas of particular interest for individual students as well as to areas that may not have been fully understood. The report should also be informed by tutorial discussion on the content of the lecture topics and by direct reference to the power-point presentation of each week’s lecture available on the learn online link in the course home page.
Although the assignment can be seen as a written report on the course content of the first three weeks, the assignment is not to be submitted in a dot-point format. Conventional writing protocols should be observed and there should be minimal use of the first person pronoun, ‘I’. While the course encourages the development of a critical sensibility students are reminded that a critical response, does not imply superficial judgements of the course content, but, a properly thought-through response. The response requires referencing and an appropriate referencing system and bibliography must be employed.
Referencing guides are provided in the Course Information section of your online resources.
Chose one referencing style and apply it consistently throughout the assignment. Name the referencing style used at the top of page 1, e.g. Harvard.

Details of the relationship of the task to the Course Objectives can be seen in the Assessment Summary (above).

All assignments are to be typed using a size 12 font with double spacing between lines of text and a broad margin to facilitate comments.

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