Consider Lyons’ typology of the funding of Third Sector organisations in Australia. What do you see as the pros and cons of each funding type, and why? Relate your discussion to the perspective of government,the third sector,and the end-users of service

Consider Lyons’ typology of the funding of Third Sector organisations in Australia. What do you see as the pros and cons of each funding type, and why? Relate your discussion to the perspective of government,the third sector,and the end-users of service

Course Aim
To analyse the nature of Australian social policies relevant to the human services.
Course Objectives
On completion of this course, students should be able to:
CO1. Give an account of some of the major social policies that shape the delivery of human service provision in Australia
CO2. Evaluate the diversity of population interests and power in social policy contests
CO3. Analyse Australian social policies in both regional and international perspectives
CO4. Recognise the diversity of population interests and power in social policy contests
Upon completion of this course, students will have achieved the following combination of Graduate Qualities and Course Objectives:
Graduate Qualities
A graduate of UniSA:
GQ1. operates effectively with and upon a body of knowledge of sufficient depth to begin professional practice
GQ2. is prepared for life-long learning in pursuit of personal development and excellence in professional practice
GQ3. is an effective problem solver, capable of applying logical, critical, and creative thinking to a range of problems
GQ4. can work both autonomously and collaboratively as a professional
GQ5. is committed to ethical action and social responsibility as a professional and citizen
GQ6. communicates effectively in professional practice and as a member of the community
GQ7. demonstrates international perspectives as a professional and as a citizen

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