PLEASE PREPARE A ONE (1) PARAGRAPH (5-6 sentences) RESPONSE TO EACH QUESTION. The related links and chapters for each response is attached. Please use the chapters as a reference to the responses.

LISTENING: Review and analyze this talk with Dr. Borwn (
After listening to Dr. Brown, assess your listening skills. What affected listening? Did you have barriers? (Chapter 5)
THE POWER OF WORDS: For EMC what abbreviations are used, and does their use affect relationship building? (Chapter 6)

NONVERBAL: Would you rather meet face-to-face to build a relationship or connect through EMC? Emphasize nonverbal communication. (Chapter 7)

CONFLICT: How does one learn to manage conflict? How do you manage conflict? (Chapter 8)

RELATIONSHIPS You comment to a friend Marie that you are “working on” your relationship with your brother/sister/mother/father. She asks, “What do you mean—working on? What are you doing?” How could you answer this question? (Chapter 9)

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