Higher standards of personal accountability and ethical principles

Higher standards of personal accountability and ethical principles

As professionals in the healthcare field, the baccalaureate prepared nurse will be held to higher standards of personal accountability and ethical principles. Please use APA format and a recent scholarly article(s)/evidence to support your answer to the f

As professionals in the healthcare field, the baccalaureate prepared nurse will be held to higher standards of personal accountability and ethical principles. Please use APA format and a recent scholarly article(s)/evidence to support your answer to the following question:
Define what you believe is personal accountability for civility, honesty and fairness in the areas of academic, professional and public behavior. Do you think your definition or ideals of these topics will grow as you transition from the LVN/LPN role to a RN?
This quiz is worth 10 points and will be graded on the use of scholarly sources to support your opinion, APA and overall clarity. Please attach your response as a word document to the quiz 11 assignment link.

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