Create a vision statement of what a low income housing community should be like in regards to new resident outreach program

Create a vision statement of what a low income housing community should be like in regards to new resident outreach program
Create a vision statement of what a low income housing community should be like in regards to new resident outreach program. Program should consist of the following.
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Vision ideals:
• Equal Representation:
o Why ?
? To ensure that new incoming residents have equal say in matters with in the organization.
? Community members voice their opinions
o Outcome
? Creates an environment which values residents input.
? Ensure that residents voice does not go unheard
• Fair and timely accommodation:
o Help should be provided to new incoming residents the ensure their well being with in the actual residence.
? Plan set up for:
? Elderly
? Physically disabled
? Residents with language barriers
• Availability of full resources:
o Health related help to awareness on healthy eating
o Plan set up for:
? Elderly
? Physically disabled
? Residents with language barriers
• Forming community:
o Ensure that residents are engaged with the organization and community.
o Provide incoming residents with the help from current residents Through outreach.

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