Compare/Connect the poverty and challenges 0f the kids in the video: the PBS Frontline “Poor Kids

Compare/Connect the poverty and challenges 0f the kids in the video: the PBS Frontline “Poor Kids

Comparative Review Assignment
Compare/Connect the poverty and challenges 0f the kids in the video: the PBS Frontline "Poor Kids?, and the issues raised in Loose girl/Dirty little secret by Cohen

The connection that I noticed between loose girl and poor kids is they all are desperate kids; they want self-worth self esteem and face some magnitude of stress in their life.
In dirty little secret, girls believe that boys could give meaning to their life; they are battling issues with their sexuality and always having the need to be wanted by a man
On the other hand, poor kids want just financial stability for their family to be worthy. One of the poor kid even say that if the other kids know that he live in the shelter, they will make fun of him and he will not make friend anymore
Comparative Review Assignment
What is a Comparative Review?
A Comparative Review is a summary and comparative analysis of texts about the same topic. The purpose is to review the relative merits and limits of each text with regards to the topic and the other texts. The review is often used to summarize the work other authors have done on an issue, in order to provide the background for a study or research work the author is presenting.
Your assigned texts: Frontline video ?Poor Kids? and an article related to your topic. Focus on how each are related.
How is a Comparative Review different than a group of summaries?
Although the comparative review includes summaries of each text, the summaries are focused on particular aspects of the text that relate to the author’s topic and are analyzed together to show how the texts relate to each other.
How is the Comparative Review organized?
background information
identify specific issue
introduce author & article
Article #1
Author?s purpose
Summary of supporting content
Author?s conclusion
Strengths of article
Limits of article
Article #2
Author?s purpose
Summary of supporting content
Author?s conclusion
Strengths of article
Sum up main strengths & limits
Emphasize important differences
Discuss implications for further research
What is in the analysis?
The analysis should identify the strengths and weaknesses (or limits) of each text, and explain the relationship to the other texts. It should point out the critical areas that relate to the author’s topic and purpose. The analysis should also identify any author bias or other consideration that might influence the relevance or importance of the text.
What are the strengths and limits or weaknesses of a text?
the relevance to an issue
the use of appropriate evidence
the logic & consistency of an argument
objectivity & fairness
awareness of limits & weaknesses
awareness of alternate views
conclusions based on evidence
clarity of presentation
Limits or Weaknesses
author’s bias
weak or undocumented evidence
irrelevant evidence or arguments
appeals to emotion only
fallacies of argument: over generalization, circular reasoning, false premises
limited sample for study
avoidance/ignorance of alternate views
conclusions not based on evidence
What is being analyzed in the comparison?
Your purpose is to report how the articles contribute to the study of your issue. What do they contribute? Where do they agree or disagree? How do they differ? Which is more valuable? Why?
What is a ?Lit Review??
A "Lit Review" is a type of Comparative Review that surveys the most recent and/or the most relevant literature on a particular subject. In a Lit Review, the focus is mainly on the author?s findings and implications regarding a specific issue; and the reviews are organized and linked in a way that shows connections and progress in the research. The purpose of the Lit Review is to either sum up the current state of research on a topic or to lay the foundation for new research.
Worksheet for developing Comparative Review

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Article Title: Article Author:
The main purpose of this article is to:
The author seems to believe that:
The middle paragraphs of the article include (check all that apply):
In the conclusion of the article, the author?s main point is:
I think the most valuable aspect of this article is:
I think this is valuable because:
I think the value of the article is limited by:
I think these limitations are important because:
I think the people this article is intended for are:
This article is similar to the other articles in:
This article differs from the other articles in:

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