Allison discharge after reassessment

Allison discharge after reassessment
Using the Allison reassessment treatment plan, complete a discharge summary for your client. This summary should address the following:
1. Is the client sustaining at a healthy baseline?
2. Have they met their treatment goals?
3. Does the treatment need to be reevaluated, extended, or possibly referred to another clinician or setting?
4. Depending on the setting, assess whether this client needs wraparound services, outpatient references, and step-down services?
Submit your answers in a 1,000-1,250-word essay. Three to four academic references are required for this assignment.
In a summary statement, demonstrate that you understand whether or not the client met the goals of the treatment plan, what specifically contributed to the success of the treatment plan or lack thereof, what language you would use to communicate the outcome to the client, and how you would document the final session.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines.
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