Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions
**USE Only Book ISBN-97814129171 Title: Family Violence Across the Lifespan 3rd Edition Authors: Ola W Barnett, Cindy L Miller-Perrin, Cindy Miller-Perrin, Robin D Perrin.**

• Exam questions are designed to gauge a student’s understanding of the textbook ISBN-97814129171 Title: Family Violence Across the Lifespan 3rd Edition and other course materials, not personal thoughts or opinions.
• Each question is worth 1 point
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Reading Material:
• Ch. 6, 7, 8, 12
• E-Materials since Exam 1

1. How does the public generally feel about abuse of adolescents?
a. Running away is a safe alternative for abused adolescents.
b. If they become economically independent, they will be safe.
c. Adolescents rarely abuse other family members.
d. Adolescents may probably deserve punishment.

2. Stalking should be considered a component of dating violence for all the following reasons EXCEPT:
a. it is an intrusive, frightening experience
b. it is a predictor of violence
c. it is similar to IPV
d. it is a costly crime

3. Attachment theory helps explain:
a. Why college students behave in ways that are similar to their parents.
b. The high correlation between alcohol consumption and dating violence.
c. The co-occurrence of love and violence in a dating relationship.
d. How verbal arguments can build up until dating violence erupts.

4. Which is TRUE of definitions of dating violence?
a. They focus on criminal acts.
b. They are eclectic.
c. They are ambiguous.
d. They center on decreasing age rates.

5. A chief reason that society may hold battered women responsible for staying with an abusive man is that a battered woman:
a. Can obtain societal help to stop the beatings.
b. Is an “adult” who can “give consent” or leave.
c. Appears to enjoy masochistic relationships.
d. “Made her bed” and now she “has to lie in it.”

6. Many mental health professionals, medical personnel, and police tend to believe that:
a. Battered women are indirectly responsible for the IPV violence.
b. Whoever perpetrates IPV violence should be held responsible.
c. The problems of battered women are more serious that those of abused children.
d. The marriage bond should rarely, if ever, be broken solely because of IPV violence.

7. Which of the following is TRUE about adolescents who run away from home?
a. The age at first leaving home was 16.
b. Most of the adolescents been sexually abused at home.
c. These adolescents have almost universally been abused at home.
d. Of those sexually abused, most abusers were biological fathers.

8. Compared with abuse of children, abuse of elders is more difficult to detect because:
a. Society is more concerned with spouse abuse.
b. Elders’ misperceptions obscure the truth.
c. It is more hidden than abuse of children.
d. The injuries to elders are more superficial.

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9. Which statement is TRUE?
a. The National Violence Against Women Survey reported that more than twice as many women were injured by DV than men.
b. About 30% of current DV surveys report that injury severity is gender neutral.
c. Statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation show that female acquaintances injure more male than female friends.
d. Although more women seek treatment in emergency rooms for DV than men, women’s injuries are not as severe as men’s are.

10. Which type of adolescent abuse is most prevalent?
a. Emotional neglect.
b. Psychological abuse.
c. Physical abuse.
d. Sexual abuse.

11. Which statement is TRUE about legal definitions of DV?
a. The federal government now requires legal definitions of DV.
b. Few legal definitions of dating violence exist.
c. Definitions depend on variables identified operationally.
d. Legal definitions are a mix of child and adult laws.

12. The case known as In re Gault:
a. Courts readily complied with this Supreme Court decision.
b. Rural courts were more apt to apply In re Gault than suburban youth.
c. Required courts to provide legal representation for youths.
d. Females received more benefits from In re Gault than males.

13. Which of the following is NOT one of recognized broad categories of elder abuse?
a. Sexual
b. Physical
c. Financial
d. Unsatisfactory living arrangements

14. Which statement is TRUE of elder abuse perpetrators and their relationship to the victim?
a. The Boston survey showed that friends/neighbors constituted the largest group of abusers.
b. The Boston survey found that adult children were more frequent abusers than spouses.
c. The Los Angeles County study showed that spouses were twice as likely as adult offspring to abuse an elder.
d. Most surveys have found that most elder abusers were family members.

15. Which was NOT mentioned as a risk factor for male-to-female DV?
a. Harsh physical punishment during childhood.
b. Child maltreatment
c. Mental illness
d. Homosexuality.

16. Which group of elders endured significantly more violent criminal victimization than the other groups?
a. Females
b. Whites
c. Unmarried
d. Males

17. Within the family system, which group of perpetrators committed the most victimization of elders?
a. Females
b. Stepchildren
c. Adult children
d. adult siblings

18. Which of the following is thought to be an internalizing effect of adolescent maltreatment?
a. High levels of daily stress.
b. Risky sexual behavior.
c. Low academic achievement.
d. Violence toward siblings.

19. The stress theory of elder abuse suggests that elders:
a. Who are most likely to be abused are those who create high levels of stress for caregivers.
b. Who can afford large fees for care seldom stress their nonfamily caregivers.
c. Experiencing high levels of stress are likely to be annoyed and angry with caretakers.
d. Generate cyclical stress leading to abuse, tension, and reduction is elder abuse.

20. Learned helplessness refers to an individual’s failure to ________ after learning previously that he or she could not escape from a noxious situation:
a. Learn anything
b. Be fearful
c. To cope with pain
d. Try to escape

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21. All of the following are characteristics of elder abuse victims EXCEPT:
a. Dependence on the abuser
b. Psychological disturbance
c. Social isolation
d. Shared living situation

22. Which was NOT a vulnerability factor mentioned by sexually assaulted the adolescent girls?
a. Cultural expectations.
b. Lack of a guardian.
c. Victim drug use.
d. Powerlessness.

23. One innovative program for elder abusers showed that:
a. Employment supportive strategies reduced abuser’s alcoholism.
b. Psychotropic medication for abusers reduced rage reactions.
c. Anger management and an educational component reduced elder abuse.
d. Empathy training along with stress-reduction techniques lowered elder abuse.

24. Of the following services, which is most often provided by elder abuse agencies?
a. Advocacy services.
b. Programs to increase public awareness of elder abuse.
c. Sponsorship of family reunification.
d. Case management.

25. Research indicates that abused adolescents exhibit all of the following EXCEPT?
a. Aggression toward parents and siblings.
b. Higher rates of peer withdrawal behavior.
c. Violent behavior like dating violence.
d. Higher rates of delinquency.

26. Which statement is TRUE about DV?
a. NCVS data and CTS data yield similar results.
b. FBI data show that more males perpetrate DV than females.
c. CTS data show that men are much more violent than women.
d. Research shows that assault between 24-year old women and men are equivalent.

27. Battered women are most likely to use which of the following coping strategies?
a. Reframing stressful events.
b. Seeking spiritual support.
c. Obtaining social support from family.
d. Placating and resisting.

28. Elders can best protect themselves from some types of abuse by:
a. Financially reimbursing relatives for the elder’s care.
b. Discussing their wishes with friends and neighbors.
c. Completing documents such as a durable power of attorney.
d. Seeking information on aging from community organizations.

29. In regard to legal issues:
a. The Elder Justice Act is attempting to lower the legal age for “elder” to 55.
b. The California law includes intentionality but not fiduciary abuse.
c. Legislators have finally gotten Medicare fraud under control.
d. Mandatory reporters should be required to report elder abuse.

30. Which general statement is TRUE of abused adolescents?
a. They have higher levels of skill deficits compared with non-abused adolescents.
b. They have a high need for intimacy so they work hard to achieve it.
c. They may be violent toward siblings but not toward parents.
d. They often develop excellent athletic skills in order to protect themselves.

31. Which was NOT mentioned as a risk factor for male-to-female DV?
a. Harsh physical punishment during childhood.
b. Child maltreatment
c. Mental illness
d. Homosexuality.
32. According to the 2012 National Survey of People with Disabilities, respondents reported that bullying is:
a. those with autism and mental health issues had a higher rate of abuse than those with other types of disabilities
b. the majority were not victims of bullying
c. most bullying occurred at home
d. all of the above

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33. Which of the following was NOT listed as an example of stalking?
a. Waiting at places for the victim.
b. Sending important work notices.
c. Leaving unwanted items such as flowers.
d. Following/spying on the victim.

34. Behaviors such as praising the abuser, denying the abuse, and self-blame are most typical of:
a. Traumatic bonding.
b. Fearful attachment.
c. The hostage syndrome.
d. Learned helplessness

35. Abused adolescents are likely to exhibit:
a. Adult onset PTSD symptoms, which increase over time.
b. Memory failures similar to those of both abused children and elderly adults.
c. Psychopathology that is far worse than that of younger abused children.
d. Many of the same psychiatric symptoms as younger abused children.

36. According to the 2012 National Survey on Abuse of People with Disabilities:
a. nearly half of victims did not report the abuse believing nothing would be done.
b. when therapy provided to victims, it was not viewed as helpful
c. of those that did report the abuse, the majority received crime victim assistance
d. all of the above

37. Which of the following represents current thinking about sibling abuse?
a. Quarrelling is normal sibling rivalry.
b. Sibling abuse is a form of family violence.
c. Society has defined sibling fighting/quarreling as abusive for decades.
d. Most sibling fights cause serious physical harm.

38. In the Freedner et al. (2002) study of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered (GLBT) young people?
a. Gays experienced the highest level of “outing” threats.
b. SES was a stronger predictor of DV than sexual orientation.
c. Lesbians experienced less DV than heterosexual females.
d. Bisexuals males are at greatest risk for dating violence.

39. The most frequent rationale given for female-to-male DV in one study was:
a. Temper.
b. Jealousy.
c. Anger.
d. Retaliation.

40. In the study of 106 sexual assaults of adolescents, the most frequent setting was:
a. By an authority figure.
b. Within an intimate relationship
c. At a social gathering/party.
d. While alone with a friend.

41. A common characteristic of sibling abusers’ families is the mother is likely to have a history of childhood abuse.
a. true
b. false

42. The LEAST likely reason that an individual elder victim is reluctant to report being abused is the victim worries about not being believed.
a. true
b. false

43. Failure to conduct adequate research is the most likely factor complicating the definition of elder abuse.
a. true
b. false

44. Financial abuse is the most often type of elder abuse received, investigated, and substantiated.
a. true
b. false

45. In addition to physical and psychological abuse by stalkers, victims usually suffer sexual threats.
a. true
b. false

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