
quality management plan

Assignment Overview:
Over the past couple weeks, you been developing the various aspects of your quality plan, including your quality assurance and quality control processes. This week, your assignment will address how we integrate and implement the quality plan with the overall project plan. For this assignment, you will write a brief report that address the following items, as well as other items you believe are relevant.
Assignment Instructions:
What challenges will you face implementing your quality plan from the various stakeholders of your project? Create a brief stakeholder analysis addressing at least 6 major project stakeholders. Consider the area that concerns each of them, how they interact with the quality of the project, what their concerns might be, and how you will work with each of them.
What resources will you need in terms of people, funding, training, and outside experts to execute your quality plan?
How will you ensure that the various aspects of the quality plan are integrated with the overall project plan? For instance, how will your quality plan influence your project schedule, budget, risk plan, procurement plan, integrated change control process and other similar processes? (Show that you understand how to integrate your quality plan with other project processes.)
In a previous section of your Project Quality Plan, you outlined the quality control plan. Identify a fairly significant quality metric being missed. Describe how this would be discovered (what part of quality control plan would identify this?), and provide a brief response plan to the metric being missed.
Assignment Details:
You should create a new document that addresses the points identified above (do not resubmit material submitted at the end of Week 3)
The document should be 5 – 6 double spaced pages in length, and it should completely address the questions listed above.
Please use a matrix to create the stakeholder analysis.
You can use a format from a previous class or adapt a template, but the content must be original to you and relevant to your chosen project.
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