Purpose: The EE II is designed to help you:
1. Understand how scholars define the value notion in industrial marketing
2. Formulate your own understanding of values in industrial marketing
3. Bridge the theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge.
4. Gain hands-on understanding of how businesses create values

Your tasks: In order to achieve those aforementioned objectives, you are required to:
1. Read the three articles handed out in class: (a) business suppliers’ value creation potential, (b) managing the trade-off between relationships and value networks, (c) the future of competition.
2. Answer the following questions in your own words. Plagiarism is severely penalized.
d. What do the authors collectively suggest the future of value creation networks? (1 page)
3. In order to answer the following questions, you will need to do some research. a. Select a collaborative relationship (e.g. Walmart-P&G, AT&T-Apple, IBM-AMD, etc.).
b. What type of relationship between those two companies? e.g. what is the role of each firm in the relationship? (make a paragraph about this, I would prefer if you do it at the end of the first page)
c. What are the values that created by (i) each firm alone and (ii) by collaborating with each other? (1 page)
d. How do you predict the future of the relationship? (1 page)

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