Media,politics and the citizen

Media,politics and the citizen


Write an essay response either agreeing or disagreeing with the following statement:
Despite the fact that in liberal-democratic societies the media is officially free from interference from the state, the media cannot truly perform its “fourth estate” function due to the influence of powerful interest groups who distort the message.

In answering your essay, you must, in no particular order:

a) Explain the historical development of the media as a key component of the public sphere.

b) Analyse the possibilities and limits of the media in its public sphere role as a result of the various ways media agents can shape the message.

c) Analyse the way in which the media can/cannot be used by special interest groups to disseminate a particular message.

d) Apply the use of an example or case study you are familiar with to support your argument.
Student notes
In responding to the question, you should structure your answer in an argumentative essay format. As an essential component of this, be sure to clearly state whether you agree or disagree with the above statement. With that said, since there are arguments to be made for both sides of the debate, ensure that you argue in a fair manner, representing and responding to the opposing perspective where necessary.

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