International Leadership and HRM

International Leadership and HRM

1. You are expected to use on-line and off-line facilities to obtain :
• Academic literature to provide research evidence to support your answers.
• Examples from web sites which support your answers.
2. Your assignment should include at least four relevant references to the literature (in addition to any references made to commercial websites). The assignment must be fully referenced throughout and must include a full and accurate reference list. The quality of your references and bibliography will be considered in the assessment process.
3. All published information with regards to organisations which you have used in the preparation of your assignment, should be included in your appendices.
4. Providing a clear table of contents (intro, title and subtitle of paragraphs , conclusion) and an abstract are required. Harvard Ulster referencing please!

Critically evaluate the belief that domestic leadership and international leadership essentially require different leadership abilities and competencies.

Use at least four relevant industry examples to support your answer.

A superior assignment will demonstrate relevant research skills, selection of appropriate examples, analysis and critical evaluation. A descriptive answer will not merit a pass.

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