A Distinct American Nation

A Distinct American Nation
A Distinct American Nation

As you will read in Chapter 3 of the textbook and in the article by Robert V. Wells, defining when a distinctive American nation emerged is more difficult than it might seem. Some might argue that a distinctive American society emerged by the end of the 1600s. Others might say it was not created until the outbreak of the War for Independence in 1775. Still more might point to the end of the Civil War as the moment a true American nation was created, or to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, which ensured minorities a place in the nation. Thus, some still might say the American nation remains a work in progress today.

As you read the assigned material, please consider the uniqueness of the American colonies from England and other places, as well as the political, cultural, and social differences that existed between the colonies. Additionally, please reflect on racial differences that made it difficult to have a single, defining nation.

Write: Answer the following questions:

Was there a distinct American culture, society, or people in 1750? Please cite specific examples from at least three different colonies, highlighting racial differences or similarities.
How similar were the politics, societies, and cultures of the various colonies? Did South Carolina, for instance, have the same culture and society as Massachusetts?

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