A statement of research interests

A statement of research interests
Instructions: develop a statement of research interests
3 pages total

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Is an explanation of why I want to enroll in the MA Island Studies program. (Use reasons like furthering my studies and how island studies are very interesting)

Page 2 and 3
Pick an area of thesis research or issue related to island studies to pursue such is: their societies, economies, histories, cultures, governments, geographies, and environments.
-Discuses it generally in one page.
-Explain why it is important in another page.

Below is more information about the university to understand what kind of university I am applying to.

Price of island, Canada. Master of Arts

The Master of Arts in Island Studies (MAIS) at the University of Prince Edward Island is a unique, interdisciplinary, and policy-driven graduate program that critiques islands on their own terms.
The program welcomes students from around the world. They come out of undergraduate programs from diverse disciplinary backgrounds and diverse degrees, or with professional workplace experience in the public, private, or resource sectors.

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