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Do TSA mandated airport security regualations/restrictions actually make air-travel any safer? 6 Page MLA format Includes Introduction and enough body paragraphs to fulfill the page requirement. It must include at least one quote from 8 different sources (including at least one book and 3 academic journals). The essay will include both expositional passages and analytical passages built around the critical discussion of both perspectives. Strive to be as grammatically correct as possible.

I. Intro- Thesis needs to present or argue in position and why
II. Historical Background
III. Perspective #1 (2 paragraphs) Against
IV. Perspective #1 Continued…
V. Analysis of Perspective #1
VI. Perspective #2 (2 paragraphs) For
VII. Perspective #2 continued…
VIII. Analysis of Perspective #2
***Include at least 1 quote in each body paragraph***

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