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Most discussion questions are supported by at least one academic reference. Additionally, each discussion question is between the range of 250 – 400 words.

Week 1

DQ1: Explore topics in the Global Issues in Context database, which may be accessed through the University Library, under Library Resources. Which topics may be relevant to cultural diversity or workplace diversity? List all topics that apply. What resources, other than journal articles, are available? How might Global Issues in Context be a resource throughout this course?

DQ 2: What is a cultural difference that is likely to engender hostility in the workplace? Why? What inclusion strategies could be used?

Week 2

DQ1: Even within one’s own community, every individual is different. Based on your appearance or mannerisms, how might you be stereotyped in your local community? List both positive and negative stereotypes a stranger might assign to you. If you traveled to a different region of the country, how might you be stereotyped differently?

DQ 2: According to this week’s readings, race does not distinguish humans from one another biologically. Why is it a persistent social issue? Why do misconceptions about race persist, and what people do to dispel these misconceptions.

Week 3

DQ1: What do you think are the biggest concerns some people have about illegal immigration in the United States? Is it the effect on the U.S. economy, on the population, on public education, on the workforce, or on something else? In what ways are these concerns real and in what ways might they be overstated?

DQ2: Distinguish among the terms glass ceiling, glass walls, and glass escalators. How do they differ from more obvious forms of discrimination in employment?

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Week 4

DQ1: Why do some criticize affirmative action? What would be one advantage and one disadvantage of eliminating affirmative action?

DQ2: The United States has seen significant social changes in the areas of population, education, labor force participation, health, technology, and the family structure. Which are has had the greatest social changes? What has caused these changes?

Week 5

DQ1: The conflicts outlined in Ch. 16 of Racial and Ethnic Groups are examples of ethno-national conflicts. How have the actions or inactions of the United States affected these problems? Give at least one specific example.

DQ2: Has the United States made good use of its social capital to