Academic Help Online

Assessment item 3
Assignment 3
Value: 32%
Due date: 22-May-2015
Return date: 02-Jun-2015
Submission method options
EASTS (online)

Task A (27 Marks):

Write a paper, 5 to 6 pages (2-column format) in length, on a topic covered in our textbook. For this assignment, you need to plan, research, and, use your initiative to express the knowledge you learnt in this subject as well as your own independent thinking and reasoning.

Possible topics

Your attention in this paper can be focused on any of the following topics covered in our text:

• Information Management / IT Architecture.

• Database, Data, Warehouse, and Data Mining.

• Networks, Collaboration, and Sustainability.

• CyberSecurity, Compliance, and Business Continuity.

• E-Business & E-Commerce Models and Strategies.

• Mobile Technologies and Commerce.

• Social Media.

• Enterprise Systems and Applications.

• Performance Management Using Data Visualization, Mashups, and Mobile Intelligence.


Choose a topic which you are interested in and/or which is related to your work. You should do this as early as possible. Once you have chosen a topic, read our text carefully followed by detailed research. Once this is done, you should set up a structure/a series of subtopics and decide what to write under each section (subtopic).

Here is a suggested structure (you don’t have to follow it, but your own structure must be logical):

Abstract: a condensed summary. If someone reads your abstract only, he/she should understand your main points. You may want to write this section last;

Index terms: list the key words used in your paper;

Introduction: introduce the topic you are going to write about. This section must be related to the topics you learnt during the Session. However, you should branch out by carrying out your own research to enhance this section;

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Subtopics and supporting argument: write a series of body paragraphs with sub-points;

Conclusion: Many students get confused between the conclusion and the abstract. In the conclusion, you can reflect on how your topic relates to larger issues; evaluate the concepts you have presented; issue a call for action on the part of your audience; ask questions generated by your findings; make predictions, recommend a solution or give a personal statement about the topic.

With your structure in order, you have a skeleton for your paper: you can now begin by writing out your analyses of the passages you have chosen. As you write and revise, you may have the need to add to your analyses or to re-order your chosen arguments. Using a structure as the skeleton for a paper in this way can carry you more than halfway to a completed draft.

Types of papers

Academic papers can be broadly categorized into 2 types:

1. Argumentative Papers;

2. Analytical Papers.

For details, please see

Format and mechanics

You must strictly follow the format provided in the following link, such as space, font, margin etc…

Please write in standard written English and maintain a tone and a register appropriate to the academic essay. Examples can be found through the following links. (some of the papers listed below were written by our CSU undergraduate students.):

Task B Submit the following via EASTS (5 marks):

1. Generate a Turnitin originality report and submit this report via EASTS;

2. Answer the following questions to interpret the Turnitin originality report. The questions can be found through the following link:

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Turnitin is more than a ‘gotcha’ device – it is an effective learning tool:

Because the sophisticated use of sources involves a complex set of research, critical thinking, and writing skills, you should expect to take several years to master them. Turnitin can be a helpful tool in this developmental process. You should use your originality reports as feedback on a first draft so that you can improve your use of sources before submitting the final draft for marking.

Interpreting the Turnitin Originality Report:

After you submit your draft to Turnitin for self-checking, you should look carefully at the originality report so that you can improve on your use of sources. Your essay will be on the left side of the screen, and the matching colour-coded sources will be listed on the right. Then you can make the necessary changes to your essay before you submit the final draft for marking.

You need to register with Turnitin to create a Student Account under the CSU Turnitin Licence at

Further information on how to use Turnitin can be found through the following link:

Assessment Task A is aligned with objectives 2, 3, 5 and 6 and measures your ability to undertake, investigate, analyse and evaluate the impact of new and current ICT services.

Assignment Task B is designed for you to learn the functions of the Turnitin software. However, the usefulness of the task goes beyond the checking of the originality.

Marking criteria

Task A:

FL (<49%) PS (50% – 64%) CR (65% – 74%) DI (75% – 84%) HD (>84%)
Completed but unsatisfactory in several major areas. Major omissions in the explanation and Unsubstantiated/ invalid conclusions. Major mechanical problems of spelling or grammar. Over-general topic; evidence is present but it is not interpreted to support claims; evidence is relevant to the topic but the line of thought remains unclear or static; excessive reliance on summary or paraphrase. Some summary where interpretation or argument is needed; some issues at the conceptual or interpretive level; some problems with citation mechanics, spelling, or grammar. Coherent but less surprising topic; good use of evidence to support points; clear line of thought exists but shows only a moderate development over the course of the paper; Well-chosen, specific, interesting topic; compelling choice of evidence; lucid and original use of the evidence to prove claims; clear line of thought which develops over the course of the paper; correct citation mechanics; clear writing; few or no spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.

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Task B:

(1) Turnitin original report: two marks for submission; (2) Q&A, three marks.