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Everyday I live in pain. I have depression, anxiety, ADD, and on top of everything else, I have a bulging disc in my neck and a pinched nerve which goes down the entire right arm.
Depression can be very debilitating for me and causes me not to want to get out of bed to do much of anything and much less, eat or even overeat.
I have to force myself a lot of times to exercise, work, and eat or eat healthy and it becomes most of the time, what feels like a chore to me.
I have four nutritional goals set that I feel will help me from this day forward. When I don’t feel like eating, I will force myself to eat at least six small meals a day. This will include an English muffin with peanut butter, cottage cheese, wheat crackers, carrot sticks with fat free ranch, or even a fiber bar. Along with this, I will try to drink at least sixteen eight ounce glasses of water a day and at least two eight ounce glasses of fat free milk and orange juice a day. I will also continue to take acidophilus, vitamin c, and keep receiving my B-12 shots twice a month from my family doctor.

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