Academic Help Online

: Review several of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers who selected different complaints from those you chose by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion.

The two complaints I have chosen would be boundary violation and poor communication. I believe these can tie hand in hand based off the type of boundary violation that has taken place. Particularly the main component of boundary violation I have chosen to discuss since it is the most popular one in today’s society would be sexual relationships. This of often portrayed as something else because many businesses allow it while others done. It becomes a problem when it is sexual harassment and becomes a bigger problem in a much bigger situation. It states in text, “22% of responding psychologists had reported treating at least one client who had previously been sexually involved with another therapist. About one third of the perpetrating therapists for the Australian sample were psychologists” (Grenyer & Lewis 2012). Poor communication goes along the lines of inappropriate communication, which can lead to harassment. When you have bad communication it can mean many things based off how you are being treated and verbally associated with. In the psychology field you will find that many careers need good communication to be able to have a good work place and environment. It is important to learn how to avoid these areas of misconduct and be able to prevent them. The best thing to do is to always be professional in your job. If it comes to a point where you share an attraction with another person in the work field, it is best to not have that relationship in the exact same field. It can cause major problems especially if it doesn’t work out. Sometimes it is not even a mutual attraction. It can sometimes be an obsession for one person and it becomes harassment. The best way to handle this would to avoid any type of sexual relationship with any employee. If the problem occurs please advise your supervisor and remove yourself from the situation completely. Some tips for self-care and tools to use when dealing with situations like this would be first to understand the meaning of a job and what it entails. I would encourage finding motivating ideas to focus on your work during work hours that will lead to putting your job first. When you put your job first without putting anything at risk you will have no reason to do it after work hours. Thinking about why your at that job and what your goals are will help motivate you and remind you why you do the job that you are in. It is all about the mind and how it thinks and reacts, which is why finding motivational ideas to keep you on track would help best. To be able to continue your job and make a career out of it, it is best to be informative about all policies which will most indefinitely include misconduct of sexual relationships as well as poor communication. You can not succeed in anything you do without good communication and knowing the boundaries in a work place. This will help each person succeed and not run into major situations. Grenyer, B. F. S., & Lewis, K. L. (2012). Prevalence, prediction, and prevention of psychologist misconduct. Australian Psychologist, 47(2), 68-76. doi: 10.1111/j.1742-9544.2010.00019.x

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