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Tom Ashton started Ashton Manufacturing Inc (AMI) several years ago.
The Company has grown quickly from a small operation to the mid-sized
organization it is today. AMI has an opportunity to take on an
additional customer. This arrangement will allow AMI to grow to a large
organization operating nearly 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.

Recently AMI has been experiencing significant downtime due to a
failing software application written for AMI when the company started.
This Access database application is responsible for a key manufacturing

Mr. Ashton and his investors are concerned the Company can not grow
until the technical infrastructure is in place and functioning properly.
AMI has limited funds for IT endeavors but has hired your consulting
firm seeking advice.

Assignment Guidelines:
Research today’s major relational database management systems (RDBMS):

Microsoft Access
MS SQL Server

Compare and contrast these RDBMS based on:

Scalability, or size range of databases
Difficulty of development and database support

Create a one-page Word document summary that explains your
findings and gives your recommendation to Mr. Ashton on which RDBMS he
should consider for his growing company’s database solution.

On a separate page, answer the following questions:

What is SQL?
Who owns SQL?
What are some of the differences of SQL supported by the various RDBMS vendors?
Your submitted assignment (150 Points) must include the following:
A one-page executive summary in a Word document that adheres to
the Assignment Guidelines above. Include the research you have gathered
that supports your summary.

Answers to the questions listed in the Assignment Guidlines on a
separate page in the same Word document. Answers should be
approximately 3-5 paragraphs total.

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