Academic help online

A major goal of the writers of the U.S. Constitution was to
In recent years, state governments have been active in all of the following EXCEPT
The chief elected executive of a city is usually called
Concerns at the local level tend to be
Which of the following best describes the powers explicitly granted to state governments by the Constitution?
Article I, section 8 gives Congress the power to pass all laws “necessary and proper” to carrying out its enumerated powers. This clause is also known as the
Local government budgets rely primarily on
With the Progressive movement, the closed-party process for nominating candidates was replaced with
What are categorical grants?
The Seventeenth Amendment
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 addressed issues related to
What system of government is used in the United States?
Where state law conflicts with national law, national law prevails due to
The election of Arnold Schwarzenegger is an example of
Identify the following phrase: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
At the founding, the basic unit of government in the U.S. was the
The governor’s most important role is that of
Who has concurrent powers?
The process of amending state constitutions tends to be
What did Ronald Reagan have in mind when he advocated for “New Federalism”?

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