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Final Paper Prep

In preparation of your final paper (due Week 5), complete the following and submit to your instructor for feedback.

Topic:Select a topic from the list provided in the Final Paper instructions.
Thesis:Develop your thesis statement. This will become the point or perspective you will argue or prove in the paper. Please see the Ashford-approved grammar handbook for information on how to develop a solid thesis.
List of sources researched:The purpose of creating a list of sources is to assist you in organizing and evaluating your research. The list should include the following information for each source (minimum of six):
Name of the source, including the complete bibliographic citation in proper APA format.
Summary of the source (at least one paragraph) –how will this source contribute to your paper? It may be helpful to address the following questions as you summarize the information: Who? What? Where? When? Why?

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