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Explore the following question: One commentator has called 1968 the Summer of Hate. During this year, the Tet offensive began in January, Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis in April, Robert Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles in June, and protestors and police clashed on television at the Democratic Convention in Chicago. Along with your text, read various sites and consider how these events are related to each other. What were the protestors in Chicago unhappy about? How did these events affect the election of 1968? Remember to cite all sources.

Include data from your textbook to support your argument. Always discuss the topics’ significance related to the events in the textbook. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.


Select one of the following topics for your discussion. Include data from your textbook to support your argument. Always discuss the topics’ significance related to the events in the textbook. At least one of your two responses to classmates should be to someone who chose the topic you did not.

Hollywood Blacklists

Find a description of Hollywood communism hunts, such as at (In order for this website to display properly, you must copy and paste this link in your browser.) This essay describes the 1947 activities of the House Un-American Activities Committee HUAC). Combining the text with your research, why did the committee focus its attention on the “Hollywood Ten”? Remember to cite your sources.

Soldiers’ Stories

Read stories related by soldiers who fought in Vietnam at Describe the stories that you read. What do such stories tell you about the experiences of soldiers in Vietnam? How was this war different from World War II?

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