Adolescent Interview

Adolescent Interview

Interview an adolescent. An adolescent is defined for our purposes as a boy or girl between the ages of 13 – 17.

During the interview, ask questions from the following areas:
1. Family constellation e.g. any divorces, remarriages, step-siblings, half-siblings, etc.
2. Peer relationships e.g. do they have friends, any disagreements with friends, feel isolated
3. Gender role issues e.g. what is there idea of a man, of a woman
4. Sexuality e.g. are they sexually active, who do they talk to about sex,
5. Experience of being an adolescent
6. Romantic relationships
7. Relationship with parents
8. Any issues related to middle or high school
9. Substance abuse of mental health issues
10. Any involvement with law enforcement
11. Leisure time activities
There is much latitude on the exact questions you could ask. Just make sure the content areas above are discussed.

1. Write a synopsis of the interview. Include their responses to the aforementioned content areas. Provide identifying information e.g. gender, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, grade, relationship to you, etc. You do not have to disclose their name. You may use initials instead.
2. Discuss the impact of the media on the gender role development
3. Discuss the status of their identity and racial identity development
4. Discuss any areas of concerns
5. Discuss your experience in interviewing the adolescent. What did you learn? Any parallels to your adolescent experience?

Please use this text as reference: Santrock, J.W., Adolescence. (2014) WI: Brown & Benchmark. ISBN: 0078035481

The 5 pages should not include the title and reference page.

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