
The companion case to Goldberg was Wheeler. It is a short decision because it relies heavily on the reasoning in

Goldberg. The facts are different, however, in that the kinds of benefits that were terminated were welfare benefits

relating to old age. In an essay, argue whether or not Goldberg and Wheeler stand for the proposition that “only welfare

benefits for people in extreme circumstances (impoverished families, elderly poor) are entitled to pre-termination

hearings.” Are there other forms of public benefits that require this kind of process, or is this kind of elaborate

process only for welfare? Why or why not? READ THE FOLLOWING: Goldberg v. Kelly, 397 U.S. 254 (1970) Wheeler v.

Montgomery, 397 U.S. 280 (1970); a companion case to Goldberg v. Kelly Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. ยง 552 Sinrod,

Eric J., Freedom of Information Act response deadlines: Bridging the gap between legislative intent and economic reality.

43 Am. U.L. Rev. 325 (Winter 1994), pages 352-377 (Sections V, VI, VII, and the Conclusion and the Appendix of the

article). Please obtain this article through your WestLaw account and review the specified pages (available on WestLaw at

43 AMULR 325). Write your chosen assignment as a 250-500 word essay in Microsoft Word format.
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