American History

In no more than 2 pages Compare and contrast these speeches: Frederick Douglas “what to the slave is the Fourth of July?” July 5, 1852; Abraham Lincoln, speech on the Kansas Nebraska act, Peoria, Illinois, October 16, 1854
Focus on what Douglas and Lincoln said about the Declaration of Independence. Then after conducting appropriate research in the best sources, briefly compare and contrast the appeal of the abolitionism and anti-expansionism between 1852 and 1854 only. In particular, to what extent might the difference of the antislavery message in the Douglas and Lincoln speeches be attributable to where they were given: Douglas spoke in Rochester, New York and Lincoln spoke in Peroria Illinois? Do not write a simple narrative of events between 1852 and 1854. Do not write short biographies of the speakers, paper must present focused discussion, comparing and contrasting the varieties of antislavery doctrine in the north and a careful assessment of the roles of Douglas and Lincoln in the debate.

In addition to the two speeches you must consult and cite at least five sources, American passages and a documentary history of the United States, dictionaries, and encyclopedias may not be cited. All sources must be included in a works cited page.

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