Analysis Essay

LENGTH: 600-800 words (approximately 3-4 pages, double-spaced)

OVERVIEW: Write an essay that presents a detailed analysis of the arrangement of ONE of the three texts listed below from the BCIT Liberal Studies Reader for LIBS 7001. Demonstrate your understanding of the relevant concepts and techniques that we studied in the first three weeks of this course as you respond to the following questions: How does the author arrange the specific text you have chosen to discuss, and is that arrangement effective for its purpose and audience? Why or why not?

TEXTS: Chose ONE of the following three texts from the BCIT Liberal Studies Reader for LIBS 7001:

Maria Cone, “Dozens of Words for Snow, None for Pollution” (pp.356)

Henry Petroski, “Lessons from Play; Lessons from Life” (pp.507)

John Yorke, “From Casablanca to The Killing: The Elements of a Great Script are Essentially the Same” (pp.564)

*******Please let me know if you need copies of the articles. I have the text book and can submit pictures of the stories*******


Genre and Arrangement (Order of Ideas)

Description and Narration

Audience, Purpose, Context, and Discourse Community

Classification and Definition


This assignment asks you to analyze and evaluate the arrangement (order of ideas) of a specific text in light of its audience and purpose. You are not being asked to identify or take a position on the ideas the author presents. Rather, you assignment is to conduct a detailed analysis of how the author arranges his/her essay, and to provide your informed assessment of whether or not the organization—the arrangement or order of ideas—is effective for the purpose and intended audience of that text. Formulate a clear thesis that states your assessment of the text’s overall arrangement. Essays that merely summarize the text’s claims, and/or do not have a thesis, will not fulfil the assignment requirements.

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After identifying the essay’s purpose and audience, spend the majority of your essay analyzing the arrangement (order of ideas) of the text you have chosen to discuss. The “Copyright Acknowledgements” (pp.iii) section of our course text will help you to identify the original audience as you assess the effectiveness of the arrangement for that audience. The ideas and techniques discussed in the course modules on purpose, audience, and arrangement, as well as the lecture notes on arrangement, will also assist you as you consider the following:

What specific techniques does the author use to begin and end the essay?

How does the author arrange the middle paragraphs?

Consider the placement of the main idea: does the author present it at the start of the essay or does the author build towards it?

Review the author’s use of examples to provide evidence for their assertions.

Analyze the specific pattern(s) for organizing the middle paragraphs employed by the author, such as varieties of temporal sequence or spatial sequence.

How does the author use transitions to reinforce the main idea and create unity and coherence in the essay (at the paragraph level and/or as a whole)?

You do not need to address all of methods of organization listed above—focus on those key considerations that that are most applicable to the particular essay you have selected to analyze. Prior to submitting your essay, format it according to the guidelines provided in the “Formatting Guidelines for Essays” handout (also appended below) and use the “Analysis Essay Checklist Form” to review your essay and make final improvements before you submit it to the instructor.

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HOW TO SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT: Submit your full essay through the “Analysis Essay” dropbox, as an attachment (a separate, word-processed document in .docx or .doc format). Your marked essay, with comments, will be returned to that dropbox.



Name your essay file as follows: last name, first name, assignment type. For example, if Amy Yu submits an Analysis Essay, she will name the file YuAmyAnalysisEssay.doc.

Use either .doc or .docx file formats only.

Submit assignments using the Dropbox tool on the course site. Do not email your assignments to the instructor.


Title Page or Header: Include a title page (for APA) or a header (for MLA) with your name ( Jay Gill ), the course name (LIBS-7001-NET – Critical Reading and Writing), the instructor’s name(Jaime Denike) , the date submitted, and a descriptive title (not “Analysis Essay”).

Sentencing: Use complete sentences and correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Paragraph One: Introduce your topic and relevant background information, and state your thesis.

Middle Paragraph(s): Articulate your central claims and support them. Organize each paragraph using topic sentence(s), examples in the form of cited evidence from the text, analysis of your evidence, effective transitions, and clear concluding sentences.

Concluding Paragraph: Reiterate your thesis and/or main points and conclude with a strong, well-crafted final note of significance, call to action, question for further study, etc.

Font: Use Times New Roman, 12 point font.

Margins: Use 1″ margins.

Spacing and Indenting: Use double-spacing throughout, with no additional space between paragraphs. Indent the first line of each paragraph 0.5″.

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Works Cited and/or References: Append as the last page, following MLA or APA style guidelines.


Sample APA “References” format:

Petroski, H. (2013). Lessons from play: lessons from life. In BCIT Liberal Studies Reader for LIBS 7001 (pp. 507-514). Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions (Original work published 1982).

Sample MLA “Works Cited” format:

Petroski, Henry. “Lessons from Play: Lessons from Life.” BCIT Liberal Studies Reader for LIBS 7001. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2013. 507-14. Print.

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