analysis of ads

analysis of ads

There are 2 Ads to be analyze(will be uploaded), and the analysis should be based on 3 reading and instructions. A example paper and check list will

be provided as well.   Below is the link for 2 of the 3 reading and the third reading will be posted as well.

2.  ( this is just a summary, so do not quote from this)

Use 1-2 quotes from the readings in each of your body paragraphs.

Discuss what is most significant about the ad’s images and layout using the Cohen essay and the Visual Analysis document to help you.

Discuss what is most significant about the ad’s copy or words using the Bovee essay from our textbook.

Indicate at least a tentative conclusion about the dominant Fowles’ appeal in each ad using the Fowles essay from our textbook. Choose just ONE

appeal for each ad.

Here are some factors to consider when you are trying to analyze a visual text such as the iconic ad from 1988 for Charlie perfume. You will need to

be very observant and willing to experience what you see.
•     Camera techniques: How far is the camera from the subject? Is the photo a close-up? Medium shot? Long shot? What difference does this make?

How is the camera oriented in relation to the subject? In front? Behind? Looking up or down at the subject? Are the subjects in the photo looking at

the camera or away somewhere (gaze motion)? Is the image crisp or blurred? Distorted or pure? Airbrushed?
•    Composition of the image: What is actually in the image? Is it indoors? Outdoors? What objects are in the ad and what do they suggest? What

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people are in the image? What story seems to be being told about them? How are the people clothed? What are they doing? What are their facial

expressions? What about their hair?

Here are some other tools to usewhen looking at an advertisement:
•    Focal point – The spot where your eyes go immediately when viewing an image.
•    Figure-ground contrast – The difference between what’s in the front (figure) vs. what’s in the back (ground). Is there a contrast here?
•    Grouping – How are images in the ad grouped together? How are they related in space (proximity) or what is their relationship in size color,

shape, and so on (similarity)?
•    Color – The effects and symbolism of color varies from culture to culture. The brighter the color, the more powerful its effects. What do the

colors in your ads symbolize in our culture?
•    Lines – Lines provide a sense of movement in an image and create edges and outlines. Horizontal lines create a calm sense. Vertical lines

suggest movement. Diagonal lines
Ask these questions about your advertisements:

•    What do you feel or experience when you look at your image?
•    Where does your eye go and why?
•    What are the key elements of the ad?
•    What connections do you see among images that are grouped closely together?
•    Are there elements in the image that are similar in color, texture, size, color?
•    How do the colors in the ad color your response?
•    Is there a story in the image?

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Advertising Persuasive Analysis Checklist
_____ The intro is interesting and inviting.
_____ The strategy the writer uses is______________.
_____ There is a clear thesis statement.
Initial Impressions:
_____ The writer tells which magazine each ad appeared in.
_____ The writer describes who the target audiences or readers (including gender, income, education, marital state, age, and other demographic facts)

of the magazines might be based on specific evidence (from on-line magazine homepages or other resources) rather than just guessing.
_____The writer specifies where they got the info about the target audiences.
_____The writer thoroughly discusses the important visual aspects of the ads including models, placement of elements, balance, unity, colors, etc.
_____The writer discusses the implications and significance of the elements of the two layouts.
_____The writer quotes from the Cohen essay and lecture notes to help with this.
_____Writer fully notes and analyzes all the important words in the ads.
_____Writer fully discuss the importance and implications of the headlines, body copy, and slogans or absence thereof.
_____Writer quotes from the Bovee essay to help with this.
Fowles’ Appeals:
_____Writer has chosen one dominant emotional appeal for each of his/her ads.
_____Writer supports his/her choices for each dominant appeal by directly referring to Fowles’ essay (pp. 539-556), by quoting from it, and by giving

specific examples from the ads that support the choices.
Source Use:
_____Each source use is cited by an MLA in-text citation.
_____There are no dropped quotations in the essay and writer has used the quotation sandwich method to incorporate sources into the text.
_____Writer has included a full and correct MLA works cited list.
_____Writer has quoted from three sources in this essay.
_____Writer chose one of his/her ads as most effective for the target audience.
_____Writer makes a strong and persuasive case to support his/her choice by referring to the target audiences, elements from the ads, and the

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_____Writer uses strong evidence to back up his/her conclusions.
_____Writer discusses problems, if any, with the ads that make one or both of the ads less than effective.
_____Writer has carefully proofread essay to eliminate mechanical errors.
_____Essay is 4-5 pages long.

Somewhere in the post, you should identify your magazine’s target audience as well. This should be based on research as outlined in the essay

assignment and not just on a hunch or guess.